Policy Against Harassment at FEDTC Activities

Adopted by FEDTC.

This requires an environment that embraces diversity and provides a safe, welcoming environment for all.

This policy applies to all FEDTC activities, including:

Expected Behavior

We expect all participants in FEDTC activities to abide by this policy in all venues, including ancillary events and unofficial social gatherings:

Unacceptable Behavior

Unacceptable at any FEDTC activity is:

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

If a participant in an FEDTC activity engages in prohibited behavior, FEDTC reserves the right to take any action it deems appropriate, including but not limited to:

How to Report Unacceptable Behavior

Any individual who experiences harassment (as described above) at any FEDTC activity should follow the Procedures for Reporting Unacceptable Behavior.

Addressing Grievances

If you feel you have been falsely or unfairly accused of violating this Policy Against Harassment at FEDTC Activities, you should notify advocate@fedtc.org with a concise description of your grievance. Your grievance will be thoroughly investigated.

Warnings and Disclaimers

This Policy Against Harassment at FEDTC Activities is not intended to limit open discussion of the merits of particular work or issues presented at FEDTC events. It applies only to behavior at FEDTC events and activities.

FEDTC assumes no liability or responsibility for the actions of any member or other activity participant. Any individual who feels their safety is at risk due to harassment or any other reason is encouraged to take appropriate steps to ensure personal safety.